
business 事業内容business 事業内容

ハワイ報知社の主な活動 The main activities of Hawaii Hochi

ハワイ唯一の日本語日刊新聞「ハワイ報知」や英字紙「Hawaii Herald」を発行。各種印刷のほか、イベント等も開催しています。

Hawaii Hochi publishes The Hawaii Hochi, which is the only Japanese daily newspaper in Hawaii,
English journal, The Hawaii Herald, and so on. It also plans and executes various events.


ハワイ報知の発行 The Hawaii Hochiハワイ報知の発行 The Hawaii Hochi


The Hawaii Hochi
The Hawaii Hochi was established in 1912 and is Hawaii’s only Japanese-language weekday newspaper. It is distributed statewide by mail and contains news of Hawaii, Japan, the mainland United States and other international news, as well as coverage of Hawaii’s Japanese community events and issues. The Hawaii Hochi’s readership made up mainly of older second-generation Japanese Americans and transplants from Japan, including businesspeople presently working in Hawaii.Earlier this year, the Hawaii Hochi converted from a broadsheet to a tabloid format. The paper is supported through subscription fees and advertising sales.



ハワイヘラルドの発行 The Hawaii Heraldハワイヘラルドの発行 The Hawaii Herald


The Hawaii Herald
The Hawaii Herald has been publishing in English in its current format since 1980. The Herald is published on the first and third Fridays of every month. Its subscribers are mainly second-, third- and fourth-generation Japanese Americans who are interested in Japanese and Japanese American subjects, but cannot read Japanese. The online version of the Herald can be read at www.thehawaiiherald.com. It is released a week after the printed edition. Like the Hawaii Hochi, the Herald is supported through subscription fees and advertising sales.



新聞受託印刷 Other Publications printed by Hawaii Hochi, Ltd.新聞受託印刷 Other Publications printed by Hawaii Hochi, Ltd.


Other Publications printed by Hawaii Hochi, Ltd.
In addition to its own publications, Hawaii Hochi, Ltd. also prints the Nihon Keizai newspaper and Asahi Shimbun on our press. Additionally, we print several local community and school publications. In all, we print over 40 different publications on our presses.



商業各種印刷 Professional Printing Service商業各種印刷 Professional Printing Service


Professional Printing Service
Hawaii Hochi, Ltd. is also a full-service commercial printer, specializing in a variety of printing jobs, from business cards to posters, pamphlets, flyers, magazines and more. We do both four-color and black-and-white printing.



アロハ年鑑などの書籍の出版 “Aloha Annual” and Other Booksアロハ年鑑などの書籍の出版 “Aloha Annual” and Other Books


“Aloha Annual” and Other Books
ハワイの歴史、政治から諸団体のリストまでハワイのことならば何でも分かる「アロハ年鑑」をはじめ、子供向けに日本の文化を紹介した「Japanese Culture 4 Kids」(英語)など、多くの書籍、発行をしています。
The “Aloha Annual” is published every two years by Hawaii Hochi, Ltd. This handy Japanese-language publication is filled with hundreds of facts and historical information on Hawaii. It also contains comprehensive information on Hawaii’s largest cultural and business organizations and associations.The “Aloha Annual” is an especially valuable resource for visitors and newcomers from Japan.“Hawaii’s AJA Pioneers,” which is published in both Japanese and English, features biographical sketches on 100 men and women of Japanese ancestry who impacted Hawaii’s Japanese American community.


about us ハワイ報知社とはabout us ハワイ報知社とは

ハワイと日本を結ぶ「ハワイ報知」 Hawaii-Hochi, Connecting between Japan and Hawaii


ハワイと日本を結ぶ「ハワイ報知」 Hawaii-Hochi, Connecting between Japan and Hawaii


The Hawai Hochi is the only daily Japanese paper in the state of Hawaii, Founded in December, 1912 by Kinzaburo Makino, it continues to serve the Japanese-speaking community in the 50th state.
In the first issue of his paper he setout its principles. They included the promotion of the intereste of Japan in the Territory, to help to develop their American children into patriotic citizens to strengthen Japan-Hawaii ties, and to act as an impartial mediater between Japanese and japanese, and Japanese and other.
Following World WarII and the death of Makino in 1953, the newspaper was purchased by the late Konosuke Oishi, owner of the 'Shizuoka Simbun',in 1964.
The purchase enabled investments in plant and modernization of equipment, beginning with the purchase of web offset press in 1968.
A new building was completed in time for the paper's 60th anniversary in 1972.
Under Paul S Yempuku, President and publisher since 1967, the Hochi has become a major printing firm, and publications have expanded beyond the Japanese daily to include the bimonthly English language 'Hawaii Herald' four tourist publications, the monthly Japanese language business paper, 'Island Trend', and Yearbook.
The daily newspaper has a continuing important role as the medium of communication to the large Japanese-speaking population in the state of Hawaii.

Company 会社案内Company 会社案内


Company name
株式会社 ハワイ報知社
Hawaii Hochi, Ltd.
Head Office
ハワイ州 ホノルル市コケア街 917
Tel: (808) 845-2255,
Fax: (808) 847-7215
Address: 917 Kokea Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 USA
吉田 太郎
Yoshida Taro
3,962,750 US Dollars
32名 2018年12月末日現在
32 as of Dec 2018、including Part Timer
Affiliated companies
静岡新聞社 The Shizuoka Shimbun
静岡放送 Shizuoka Broadcasting System
  • 日本語新聞 ハワイ報知の発行(週5回)
    Publish daily(5days) “Hawaii Hochi”
  • 英字新聞 Hawaii Heraldの発行(月2回)
    Publish bi-monthly “Hawaii Herald”
  • 新聞受託印刷(日本経済新聞・朝日新聞等約40タイトル)
    Printed other publication by Hawaii Hochi
  • 商業各種印刷
    Professional Printing Service
  • アロハ年鑑・Japanese Culture 4 Kids等の書籍の出版
    Publish Books
Main bank
Central Pacific Bank


沿 革沿 革

1912年 12月 ハワイ報知創刊
Hawaii Hochi is Established
1922年 2月 クイン街に社屋移転
Hawaii Hochi moves its offices to Queen street location.
1942年 1月 報道統制により日本語新聞発行は当社及び他1社に限定される
Hochi is named as one of only two officially recognized Japanese language newspapers in Hawaii.
11月 新聞名を「布哇報知」から「ハワイヘラルド」に変更
Hawaii Hochi is forced to temporarily change its name to"Hawaii Herald".
1943年 10月 創刊1万号発行
Hawaii Hochi publishes its 10,000th issue
1947年 8月 現本社所在地のコケア街に新社屋を建設、移転
Hochi erects new offices at present Kokea St. location and moves all business operations.
1952年 1月 紙名が「ハワイヘラルド」から「布哇報知」に戻る
Changes name of publication back to "The Hawaii Hochi".
1953年 4月 2代目社長牧野君枝就任
Mrs. Kimie Makino is appointed as next president of the Hawaii Hochi
1961年 2月 3代目社長福島保孝就任
Yasutaka Fukushima is appointed as 3rd president of the Hawaii Hochi.
1962年 5月 創刊50周年記念特集号発行
Publishes 50th year commemorative issue of The Hawaii Hochi.
1964年 1月 ㈱静岡新聞社が当社株式を買収、傘下となる。4代目社長山本常一就任
Compaany is bought out by Shizuoka Shimbun and becomes dba "The Hawaii Hochi"
Tsuneichi Yamamoto is appointed as the 4th president.
1967年 1月 オフセット輪転機を導入
Hochi pruchases off-set printing press.
2月 5代目社長ポール円福就任
Paul Yempuku is appointed as Hochi's 5th President
1968年 6月 ハワイ日本人移民百年記念号発行
Publishes 100th year commemorative issue
1969年 3月 英字紙「ハワイヘラルド」創刊
Hochi's english Publication "The Hawaii Herald" is established
11月 創刊2万号発行
Hochi publishes its 20,000th issue.
1972年 5月 新聞題字を「布哇報知」から「ハワイ報知」に変更
Hochi stops using "kanji" character for the Hawaii in its name and adopts "katakana" for the Hawaii in its name
8月 丹下健三設計による現社屋完成
Designed by architect Kenzo Tange the new Hawaii Hochi Bldg was built.
9月 創刊60周年及び新社屋祝賀記念号発行
Issue commemorating Hochi's 60th anniversary and New Building completion is published.
1973年 4月 観光客向けの「アロハパラダイス」創刊
The Aloha Paradise Guide is established to accommodate Japanese visitors.
The Hawaii Herald stops Publication
1977年 「アロハ年鑑」創刊
First publication of the "Aloha Nenkan".
1980年 5月 「ハワイヘラルド」復刊
Hawaii Herald restarts publication.
1982年 6月 「ハワイ報知テレビガイド」創刊
Begins to publish "Hawaii Hochi TV guide".
1987年 10月 「ハワイ報知ビジネスニュース」創刊
Hawaii Hochi Business news begins publication.
1991年 11月 「ハワイ報知ビジネスニュース」を「アイランドトレンズ」と名称変更
Changes name of the Hawaii Hochi business news to "Island Trends"
2001年 8月 「ハワイヘラルド」創刊20周年記念号発行
Publishes Hawaii Heralds 20th year edition.
2004年 10月 テレビガイド誌「コキク」継承
Hawaii Hochi acquires Television Magazine "Kokiku".
Island Trnds and The Hawaii Hochi merges.
2011年 7月 「コキク」終刊
"Kokiku"stops publication.
2012年 4月 6代目社長田形恵一就任
Keiichi Tagata becomes 6th president of the Hawaii Hochi LTD.
12月 創刊100周年記念号発行
The Hawaii Hochi 100th year anniversary edition is Published.
2014年 5月 デジタル式新聞印刷機「ジェットリーダー」稼働開始
Digital printing Newspaper press "Jet Leader" is acquired, installed and begins operating.
2015年 4月 7代目社長吉田太郎就任
Taro Yoshida succeeds Keiichi Tagata as 7th President of The Hawaii Hochi.
2018年 6月 元年者150周年記念特集号を発行
"Gannnenmono" 150th anniversary special edition is Published.


All rights reserved Copyright The Hawaii Hochi Ltd.
& Shizuoka Shimbun & Shizuoka Broadcasting System.